Thursday, August 1, 2013

Anhedenia Films 8/2013


August is here. This is the month of my birth. I turn 40 on August 13. It is amazing to think that I am 40. I look back on things like the 1980s and it doesn't seem like it was that long ago. The youth I speak with today look at the 1980s the way I looked at the 1950s. I guess it makes sense. With any luck I will double this birthday and get some more years after that. In some ways I feel I have accomplished some modest things, in other ways I feel like I am just getting started.

There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.

My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.

Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.

Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.

You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to

Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.

Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.

In The Writer's Corner…

Still working on a new outline for Nasser Entertainment. We have a solid idea it's just the fleshing out of that idea that is proving problematic. I am about to start scripting another micro-budget film that I will be directing for them.

My writing of SCREAMING QUIETLY has led me to write a guest post for the website The book is out and you can order it here.

INSECT is at 50 pages. Above is a new still from the movie! The main character Reggie (Nik Hill) is sleeping in his brother Don's (Isaac Golub) bedroom. By the middle of this month INSECT will be at 70. At that point my foot will come off the gas a little bit for this project. I will still work on it everyday, I will just be taking my time as I animate the last 24 pages. I should have those done by Thanksgiving but it might be sooner. This would mean that the editing would start sooner and it will be out earlier in 2014.

I am shooting DV2 this month for CINEMA EPOCH as they have expressed an interest in distributing the sequel. I am also going to put a quick rewrite on a sci-fi script called DOPPLEGANGER that I hope to direct for them.

Please visit the publishing arm of ANHEDENIA FILMS. It is called called RONNI'S BOOKS. I am about done with our next book titled "ATTACK OF THE DRONE." It will be out in October.

See you next time,

Evan Jacobs