One of the many iterations of the limited edition, DEATH TOILET DVD cover. |
You can stream all of my available films on Vimeo by clicking here. Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here on DVD. You can stream it here. Enjoy a look at the early 90s Orange County Hardcore Punk scene!
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Finally, if you like young adult fiction (or know somebody who does), you can check out all of my young adult fiction books here. They are written for people with various levels of reading ability.
In the Writer’s Corner…
I recently signed a contract for another really cool project with Saddleback Publishing. It is similar to things I’ve done but also quite different. They are an awesome publisher to work with!
Just turned in a new draft of I’VE GOT A CRUSH ON YOU to this agent that I’ve been working with. I thought I could get it done in 2 weeks. It actually took me 4. Still, I turned in a new draft, I am sure there will be more, but the ball for this project keeps rolling.
You can order the first book in my new series THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE here. It covers 6 years in the life of a boy named Erol. It follows him from the mid-1980s all the way to the early 1990s. Each year will be comprised of 12 books. You can read "The Scam," the first book in the THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE series HERE. You can also watch an animated version of it HERE. I am currently working on the 7th book in the first year of the series. I am hoping to make the whole series available in early 2019.
ELUL is done. On to the rewrite! I still think it can be done by the end of this year.
Still rewriting the outline for TRAP HOUSE. I think this could be really funny and entertaining, while also making a comment on our society. At least I hope it will!
Just about done with the edit of HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY I LOVE YOU? This is a different kind of, heart on your sleeve, romantic comedy. I am currently working on making all of my movies available to people on a subscription basis. It will be $2 a month and you can watch all my movies as much as you want. Also, 2-3 (or more) movies will be added every year.
See you in a month,
Evan Jacobs