Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Anhedenia Films 1/2015
Happy New Year!
You can now order the DV TRILOGY here!
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer’s Corner…
There is a possibility of a couple of scripts I worked on getting made this year. We will have to see and once I know more you will know more as well.
I am starting with on CLAN CASTLES 2, the sequel to CLAN CASTLES as well as another book for Saddleback Publishing. We are talking about doing a series together after this!
DISTRICT BALL is done and I am currently in the process of submitting it to prospective producers. This semi-autogiographical tale of my one year playing freshmen basketball turned into one of the best scripts I have ever written. Rare is the circumstance that something you have in your head comes out the same way on the page but this one did.
I have started work on another screenplay called SUNDAY FUNDAY. It is about a father and son spending an afternoon in the park when it is suddenly overrun with killer Juggalos. Lets see where this one goes!
The COOL SUMMER script is done. I am going to start storyboarding it in February. Presently, I am editing another micro-budget film called WATER DAMAGE. It is about a man who believes his apartment is attacking him. It should be done and sent to some distributors by the end of the month. Many thanks to Brian Balchack for making the promo image above.
INSECT is still being sent out to distributors. Should it not find one after I contact this next batch, I will be releasing it some time in 2015.
Lastly, you can order THE BRO DOWN here.
Here’s to another great year,
Evan Jacobs
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Anhedenia Films 12/2014
Welcome to the final Anhedenia Films post of 2014!
You can now order the DV TRILOGY here!
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer’s Corner…
I am currently working on a multitude of projects for Saddleback Publishing. One is a sequel to Clan Castles. The other is a new book for their Gravel Road series. Lastly, I there is a new series we are talking about possibly doing together.
DISTRICT BALL is in its final rewrite stage. This semi-autogiographical tale of my one year playing freshmen basketball is going quite well. I have written it to be a contained family film so hopefully that increases its chances of getting made.
I am still typing up COOL SUMMER. As it stands now, my current goal is to finish this screenplay completely by years end. I had wanted to accomplish more but this is how it goes sometimes. Since my plan is for it to be an animated film, I hope to record all the voices in April and then start animating the film over the summer.
INSECT is still being sent to distributors.
THE BRO DOWN can be ordered here. It should be available for VOD soon as well.
I am planning to shoot another micro-budget film before the 2014 ends. This is a psychological horror film along the lines of Roman Polanski’s Repulsion. It’s current title is WATER DAMAGE.
Happy New Year,
Evan Jacobs
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Anhedenia Films 11/2014
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer’s Corner…
I recently turned in my newest book to Saddleback Publishing. We are going to talk soon about some more books I am going to write for them. In addition to that, I found out what the title of another book I wrote for them is going to be called. Its title is VARSITY170. It is a story about loss set in the world of high school wrestling. I think readers will relate to it a lot.
My newest screenplay DISTRICT BALL is just about done. It is going very well. I think it has a very good chance of getting made. I usually think that… but there’s something about this film that makes me think that even more. It is a kids film with some adult leads. It is an ensemble with a small cast and it is fairly contained. We will see!
COOL SUMMER, my newest animated film about three middle schoolers suddenly plunged into the world of a man who may or may not be a serial killer, is done. I wrote it longhand and I am currently typing it up. I hope to have it done soon. I’d even like to record the voices before years end.
INSECT continues to be sent off to distributors. Ideas for INSECT 2 continue to percolate. I am also preparing my micro-budget film THE BRO DOWN for distribution as well.
Lastly, the picture above is the artwork for THE DV TRILOGY. You can order it HERE. I am very excited to see how this no budget trilogy plays. I am currently talking with the distributor about a fourth film that will be completely different from the first three.
Thank you for your time and see you next month!
Evan Jacobs
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Anhedenia Films 10/2014
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer’s Corner…
I am well over halfway done with my new book for Saddleback Publishing. The way I pitched it to them was as a punk rock, FAULT IN OUR STARS. I am quite happy with how it is going. I also recently spoke to Saddleback about writing even more books for them. They are truly a blessing in my life. That is why I posted the picture of the ZOMBIES book up top. They just released this title that I wrote about eight months ago for them. I got into writing when I was younger because of horror stories that I would read and S.E. Hinton novels. To be able to create similar stories for Saddleback is nothing short of a dream come true.
About halfway done with my next script, DISTRICT BALL. This semi-autobiographical look at my time “playing” basketball my freshmen year of high school, is the closest thing to an ensemble I have ever written. I think it could do well as I am keeping the action very contained and the cast minimal.
COOL SUMMER, my new film about three middle schoolers suddenly plunged into the world of a man who may or may not be a serial killer, is also about halfway done. My plan is to rewrite it a few times once it is and then record the voices (currently the plan is for it to be animated) in late December. Then, the long slong animating will begin… or at least it should!
Continuing to send INSECT off to distributors. I think something will happen with that film. That is why I am holding off on starting the sequel. There WILL be a sequel however.
The first cut of my new micro-budget film THE BRO DOWN is complete. I am literally about to watch it with the co-star of the movie. There might be a few more trims and then it will be released. I am considering approaching specific distributors (instead of doing it myself) but we will have to see!
Thank you for your time,
Evan Jacobs
Monday, September 1, 2014
Anhedenia Films September 2014
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer’s Corner…
Recently started a new book for Saddleback Publishing! It is a love story about a guy and girl from two very different worlds. Again, I am honored that they keep liking my ideas and hiring me to write for them.
MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME is done! You can get it here!
CRASHER is complete and I am currently submitting it to producers.
I have started a new, underdog sports film centered in the world of high school basketball. It is called DISTRICT BALL. It is semi-autobiographical and looks at my time “playing” the sport my freshmen year.
It looks like COOL SUMMER is going to be my next movie. The script is set in 1985. It follows three middle schoolers suddenly plunged into the world of a man who may or may not be a serial killer. The plan is for it to be animated.
Lastly, I am currently sending INSECT to distributors and festivals. I have my fingers crossed that there might be a screening in Amsterdam!
I shot a quick, no-budget buddy comedy called THE BRO DOWN on my birthday. It is a comedic tale of two friends. One thinks that his girlfriend is cheating on him. They go to the person’s house so he can beat down the would be poacher and his best pal can film it. I am currently editing this film. I hope to find a distributor but I have a feeling that, on this one, that person will be me.
Until next time,
Evan Jacobs
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer’s Corner…
Recently started a new book for Saddleback Publishing! It is a love story about a guy and girl from two very different worlds. Again, I am honored that they keep liking my ideas and hiring me to write for them.
MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME is done! You can get it here!
CRASHER is complete and I am currently submitting it to producers.
I have started a new, underdog sports film centered in the world of high school basketball. It is called DISTRICT BALL. It is semi-autobiographical and looks at my time “playing” the sport my freshmen year.
It looks like COOL SUMMER is going to be my next movie. The script is set in 1985. It follows three middle schoolers suddenly plunged into the world of a man who may or may not be a serial killer. The plan is for it to be animated.
Lastly, I am currently sending INSECT to distributors and festivals. I have my fingers crossed that there might be a screening in Amsterdam!
I shot a quick, no-budget buddy comedy called THE BRO DOWN on my birthday. It is a comedic tale of two friends. One thinks that his girlfriend is cheating on him. They go to the person’s house so he can beat down the would be poacher and his best pal can film it. I am currently editing this film. I hope to find a distributor but I have a feeling that, on this one, that person will be me.
Until next time,
Evan Jacobs
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Anhedenia Films July/August 2014
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer’s Corner…
Finishing up some projects as well as starting some new ones. I believe I will be writing something new for Saddleback Publishing soon. They recently sent me a bunch of copies of my new book Self.Destructed. and they look GREAT.
MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME is headed for its final rewrite. It should be out and available to read in hardcopy and in the Kindle Format in August.
My new screenplay CRASHER is a highly contained thriller. It will be done and making the query rounds by the middle of August.
INSECT is done! I am hitting up prospective distributors daily. I am about to submit it to the Sundance Film Festival as well. I have very good feelings about the fate of this film. They are so good, I have even started outlining a sequel.
All of the DV movies are in the hands of the distributor Cinema Epoch. They will be coming to DVD on 10/21, I am told!
I sent the ZAPRUDER outline to Cinema Epoch. As I wait to hear back, I am planning to make another quickie film on my birthday in August. This film can best be described as a buddy comedy.
Evan Jacobs
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Anhedenia Films 6/2014
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer's Corner…
Well, while writing a short book for Saddleback Publishing they came to me and asked for another one. I jumped at the chance and in the process also finished the initial short book they contracted me to write. I should be turning in another outline for a new book in their Gravel Road series within the next week. Please check out the Amazon page for Self.Destructed.
MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME is done and I am putting a rewrite on it. I hope to have it completed and out in August through Ronni's Books.
I am about to jump back into my screenplay titled CRASHER. The plan is to have it done by the end of June. Which means it will most likely be early July. You gotta have goals, right?
INSECT is about to have the final cut slapped on it. It will be done this month then I start hitting up distributors. It should be available on DVD and VOD by the end of the year.
DV3 is about halfway edited! In fact you can order DV right here! DV2 should be out some time soon as well.
Check out the trailer for WATCHING A MOVIE here! I believe Cinema Epoch is making this title available for a quarter.
It is my goal to finalize my next book project this month. I also plan to shoot the ZAPRUDER film once INSECT is complete.
See you next month,
Evan Jacobs
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Anhedenia Films 5/2014
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Brian Balchack examining footage in DV3 |
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer's Corner…
I recently signed an agreement to write a short book for Saddleback Publishing. Based on how this one goes there should be more! I am also writing another outline for them. This is for a new book in their Gravel Road series. Again, I consider myself extremely lucky to be getting these opportunities. You can check out the Amazon page for the next book they are putting out of mine here. It is titled SELF.DESTRUCTED. and it's about a young man who falls in love and then makes a very poor decision.
The MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME book is now in full swing! It should be done by the middle of next month. Then it will be rewritten and released in August or September via Ronni's Books.
CRASHER is going okay… the big problem I am having is that I have gotten some other writing jobs so it is kind of on the back burner. However, it won't be there for long because once I finish some of the other writing projects CRASHER will be slotted right in.
The first cut of INSECT is done. I actually made my deadline of April 17! Right now I am showing it around, watching it, making notes, and I plan to put the final edit on it in June. Then, I will continue to show it around, enter it into contests if possible, and then release it on DVD and VOD.
As I write this, I am capturing footage from DV3! This film, like the first two, is a bit different in tone but it ties into DV and DV2 quite well. (At least I think so anyway.) The plan is for all three DV movies to come out in a 2 disc set on 10/21, which, the distributor pointed out, is right before Halloween. Enjoy the still from it above!
The KENNEDY film is still in the works. I plan to get to it once DV3 is finished being edited. However, it has undergone a bit of a change. It is now called ZAPRUDER!
Okay, thank you for visiting and we will see you soon.
Evan Jacobs
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Anhedenia Films 4/2014
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer's Corner…
I just turned in the first draft of my next book to Saddleback Publishing. It is titled SENIORYEAR and it deals with loss. We also talked recently and it looks like I am going to write even more books for them. I am honestly humbled and blessed for these opportunities.
I spoke with a producer recently about ghostwriting their memoirs. We will see where this goes...
The MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME book is now going to be a daily project and it should be completed in short order. It will be the next book I release via RONNI'S BOOKS.
The screenplay I was writing titled BODIE has taken a different turn and thus gotten a new title. It is now called CRASHER. I was writing the script, I came to a point where I had written a scene that was too jarring for the script, so I decided to rework the whole screenplay. Initially, the jarring scene was the one that inspired the screenplay. However, the changes will make the script more contained and thus easier to make! My plan is to have this screenplay done by the end of May.
I should have the first cut of INSECT around April 17. I then plan to take a month, show the film around, make a lot of notes, and re-edit it over the summer. It should be done by July or August. You can watch the trailer here.
Production on DV3 is afoot. I will be shooting the third and (maybe) final film in this series from 3/11-3/12! I have already shot a portion of the ending.
I plan to shoot THE KENNEDY FILM in May and have it edited by the end of June or so.
Thank you for the visit please stop by again soon!
Evan Jacobs
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Anhedenia Films 3/2014
Life is funny.
I find that I am working very hard to get things done. Then, once they are done, I am taking on or starting new projects so it is as if the work never ends.
Very interesting.
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer's Corner…
I am over halfway done with my next book for SaddleBack Publishing. It is titled SENIORYEAROVER and it is going great. I am trying some new things to make the book read in a very clear way. I am also about to finish up a series of shorter books for SaddleBack and I can only hope that they ask me to write more!
MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME is slow in the going but that's only because other projects have gotten ahead of it. This month I should be working on it more regularly and it will be done shortly after that. You can order all of my books by clicking here.
BODIE, my newest contained, horror screenplay is about half way done. It also looks like I am going to be writing some low budget horror screenplays for another production company.
You can watch the trailer for INSECT here.
Finally, in the near future I plan to flesh out the outlines for THE KENNEDY FILM and DV3. I hope to shoot them in the next 6 months or so.
Back to work!
Evan Jacobs
Friday, January 31, 2014
Anhedenia Films 2/2014
So far 2014 is off to great start!
New projects and new opportunities are on the horizon and I am doing my best to seize them without losing my focus.
There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In The Writer's Corner…
Currently getting ready to shoot a quick project that Cinema Epoch is going to distribute. Right now all I have is an outline. It is about the Kennedy Assassination. I am going to flesh that out a little more and then hopefully shoot and edit the movie by June.
Recently signed a contract to write another book for Saddleback Press! It is called SENIORYEAROVER and it deals with loss. I love writing for this company and I can only hope that our relationship continues!
ATTACK OF THE DRONES is here. In Kindle Form. The print version should be available shortly. I am just waiting on the book proof. It is being released by Ronni's Books. My next title that I am self-releasing is currently being worked on. It is called THE MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME. It is about friendships that collide on Halloween.
I am currently about 30 pages into my newest screenplay. It is called BODIE and it is a contained horror movie. As I continue writing, I will share more about its story.
The INSECT trailer is almost here. I am taking a very simple approach to the editing of INSECT. I feel that if I try and insert too much, or even guide the story too much, it is going to get overblown and lost. No need for that. I am going to tell INSECT in the most direct way possible.
Check out the trailer for DV2 here! It looks like both DV and DV2 will come out in March or early April.
Alright, back to work!
Thank you for the visit and see you next month,
Evan Jacobs
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