Sunday, December 9, 2012
Anhedenia Films News 12/2012
I am very sorry this is late. I am still deciding whether I am going to keep my parent's home and make it my own or downsize to a condo. In addition to this I am taking care of my father's affairs. This stuff gets overwhelming at times, things get jumbled, and that is why this post is late.
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is now available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In The Writer's Corner…
Saddleback Press was extremely positive about the draft I recently turned in of my new book THE NORMAL BROTHER. I am awaiting notes from the editor but things seem really positive. It also looks like I am going to write more books for them!
My new boxing screenplay, LADY AND THE CHAMP, is coming along splendidly. I should have a first draft by the end of this month. After that it will be rewritten and then it's on to the next one.
INSECT is still slow in the going. I have animated about 6 pages so far. The screenplay is 94. I have some time off coming up and it is my goal to have 30 pages animated by January 6th. That is a bit lofty BUT if I come close (say 25 pages) I will be very happy.
I am also rewriting a shlock-type screenplay called FALLING APART as well as writing a new young adult fiction book titled, WARREN. WARREN, a horror story, is based on a screenplay I have written.
The experience of writing THE NORMAL BROTHER was so great that I have decided to write 4 books a year. I have this system worked out where the weeks are divided up and I think this is a very attainable goal. The first book in this series is tentatively titled THE MOTHCATCHER and then I plan to start THE AWESOME MONSTER BASHERS series which is based on a screenplay I wrote. These books will be available in hardcopy as well as eBook form.
Lastly, I have a quick, microbudget, 2 day film shoot scheduled for 21st and 22nd of this month. It will be a found footage horror movie called SOUL OF THE DEAD.
See you next month,
Evan Jacobs
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Anhedenia Films News 11/2012
The scene above is from my new, animated, horror film titled INSECT. It is truly surreal to be making a film about death, loss, and rebirth while I am actually going through what the character in the movie is going through! More on that below...
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is now available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer's Corner…
I recently turned in a new screenplay to Nasser Entertainment. It is currently going through the rewrite process and in that process became something a bit more interesting. I was always so scared of "writing by committee." While I believe that some projects are immune to that process and better off having a singular voice, there are others that certainly benefit. That seems to have been the case here.
I was hit a burst of inspiration regarding script outlines. So, I took some time and just focused on fine-tuning them. I am about to resume the business of typing up/rewriting my new boxing script, LADY AND THE CHAMP. In the process, I also came up with some ideas for even more projects.
SHADOW is in the process of being rewritten as it looks like we are going to do some reshoots.
My young adult novel titled THE NORMAL BROTHER (which I am writing for Saddleback Educational Publishing), was approved in the outline phase. I then set about writing and the first draft should be done and turned in by the middle of the month. I am really excited about this because it is the first book I have written that has a publisher behind it.
INSECT is coming along very slowly. I am taking my time getting into my groove and once that happens everything will come together. The script is 94 pages. I have broken it up into 3 chunks of 30 pages or so, just so the task of animating it isn't so daunting.
Thank you to everybody for their kind wishes regarding my father passing away. I am somebody who has always tried to keep his life simple because my main focus was being creative. I now have new responsibilities that, for the time being, are sort of encroaching on that time.
Thankfully, I am someone with good time management skills.
Eventually, I will get all of my dad's affairs in order and behind me. I will also most likely be in a new living situation. As long as I keep working hard, taking care of myself and, most importantly, believing in myself... everything will be fine.
See you next month,
Evan Jacobs
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Anhedenia Films News 10/2012
Sadly, my father Sidney Walter Jacobs passed away at the start of this month.
I miss him greatly.
I will be back posting next month.
Evan Jacobs
Anhedenia Films
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Anhedenia Films News 9/2012
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is now available! You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In the Writer's Corner…
I am working on a new screenplay with Nasser Entertainment. We are in the early stages of putting it together so I will let you know more when I can.
I finished the long-hand version of FALLING APART. It just needs to be typed up. First, however, I need to finish typing up/rewriting LADY AND THE CHAMP. I have also started preliminary work on a time travel screenplay. I just need to figure out the plot as right now it is all over the place.
I literally just finished editing the 3rd version of SHADOW. I just need to turn it in to the folks at Nasser Entertainment. This version is different but all in all I think it's quite good.
It is my sincere hope that I am done with the rough edit of the INSTED documentary during this month. INDECISION RECORDS will be releasing that.
In addition to working on the young adult novelization of my horror screenplay, WARREN, I recently signed a contract to write a young adult novel titled THE NORMAL BROTHER for Saddleback Educational Publishing. This will be part of their Gravel Road series. I am extremely excited about this as I love young adult fiction. I started off writing YA/kids fiction when I was in 2nd grade so it's nice to be returning to it.
Still working on INSECT in a piecemeal way. I hope to be 50% done with it before the end of 2012. This way it could be finished in 2013 and hopefully released on DVD/VOD later that year.
This was an amazing summer… while I am saddened that my father is again back in the hospital (as he was at the start of the summer), I am hoping he is out shortly and literally back on his feet.
See you next month,
Evan Jacobs
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Anhedenia Films News 8/2012
My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is going to be available on 8/14/12. You can order it here.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
I am presently typing up my new boxing screenplay LADY AND THE CHAMP. It should be ready to send out by the end of September.
I am about half way through the longhand version of FALLING APART. I am fairly certain that I am going to direct this.
Recently had a meeting at NASSER ENTERTAINMENT regarding the micro-budget movie I made for them titled, SHADOW. Notes were given and I am presently implementing them. I am very surprised that there weren't more of them. We are still trying to work out what the next micro-budget film that I make for them is going to be.
Assistant editing work on the INSTED documentary is going well. I have assembled a lot of the footage of the band members. Now, I need to put that into sections that tells the story of INSTED. From there, footage of other people, live shows, and tour footage will be added. Everything is a process…
The young adult novelization of my horror screenplay WARREN is coming along quite well. I should know this month if (and what) I am going to be writing a book for this publisher. Here's hoping I can announce it in next month's newsletter!
Work on INSECT is still moving at a piecemeal rate but I have a feeling that will change in the next few months. It is going to take me a while but I am positive that it will be completed. Here is an image I created that I am hoping to use to promote the movie in some way (I think it looks kind of like THE EXORCIST):
One thing the movie business continues to teach me is that no matter how much I accomplish (or think I accomplish), the only thing I have control over is what I do to make myself be successful. And what is this?
Write. Write. And write some more.
See you next month,
Evan Jacobs
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Anhedenia Films 7/2012
I am very sorry this is so late. My father who has multiple health issues did a stint in the hospital and then went to a rehabilitation facility to get his strength back. He recently came home and his progress is being monitored by myself as well doctors, nurses, physical therapists, etc.
I am really glad he's home but he did have a very close call. Doing my best to not do everything for him but also doing enough so he knows I am there.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In The Writer's Corner...
I finished a longhand version of my newest boxing script LADY AND THE CHAMP. It should be ready to show in about 6-8 weeks. I just need to type it up, add some things and then rewrite it until I feel that it's ready. I am going to show it to NASSER ENTERTAINMENT first and then others after if they don't think they can do anything with it.
I also finished a new script titled LOSING CLEOPATRA. It is a contained, time travel love story. At present I am not sure if it is going to stay with just being this idea... or, if it might be merged with some other ideas for time travel movies that I have outlined.
I have started a new sci-fi/horror script called FALLING APART. More on that when I am further along with it.
Lastly, I finished another script for NASSER ENTERTAINMENT. It is a contained action movie/thriller. Things look like they are moving in a positive direction both with that script and another one they had me write.
ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is done. DONE. I am getting it ready for its 9/4/12 release. It is going to be playing in Florida in September. You can read more about that HERE. It will be released by AMAZON as well as REVELATION RECORDS. I am also gonna be pounding the pavement for press notices, as well as an overseas distributor, as well as a television sale of some sort. I am planning to spend a year promoting this thing that ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER has a life long after the DVD is released this September.
I have finished the my "director's edit" of SHADOW. I literally just turned it into NASSER ENTERTAINMENT. Hopefully they like it. This is clearly the best movie I have directed from a "professional" standpoint. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with it now. I am currently talking to NASSER ENTERTAINMENT about directing another micro budget movie.
I am about to start my assistant editing work on the INSTED documentary. INDECISION RECORDS will be releasing this documentary with all of INSTED's recordings once it is done.
I am also writing my next Young Adult novel titled WARREN. The best part is that I have a publisher who is interested in having me write a YA book for them! This is a dream come true as, when you get right down to it, I am a writer. I have been doing it since I was in the 2nd Grade and thankfully I've never stopped.
It also looks like I will be resuming work on INSECT again. I am really excited about it. This is going to be a long, arduous process. It won't help that it will be animated, edited, scored and completed in a piecemeal fashion... but it will get done.
So far this summer has had its share of ups and downs. As somebody who believes in G-d I figure there's a reason for everything. I am not saying you have to believe in G-d to realize that, I am just saying that that is what works for me.
I trust everything will work out regarding my dad and everything else. It always does.
Evan Jacobs
I am very sorry this is so late. My father who has multiple health issues did a stint in the hospital and then went to a rehabilitation facility to get his strength back. He recently came home and his progress is being monitored by myself as well doctors, nurses, physical therapists, etc.
I am really glad he's home but he did have a very close call. Doing my best to not do everything for him but also doing enough so he knows I am there.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In The Writer's Corner...
I finished a longhand version of my newest boxing script LADY AND THE CHAMP. It should be ready to show in about 6-8 weeks. I just need to type it up, add some things and then rewrite it until I feel that it's ready. I am going to show it to NASSER ENTERTAINMENT first and then others after if they don't think they can do anything with it.
I also finished a new script titled LOSING CLEOPATRA. It is a contained, time travel love story. At present I am not sure if it is going to stay with just being this idea... or, if it might be merged with some other ideas for time travel movies that I have outlined.
I have started a new sci-fi/horror script called FALLING APART. More on that when I am further along with it.
Lastly, I finished another script for NASSER ENTERTAINMENT. It is a contained action movie/thriller. Things look like they are moving in a positive direction both with that script and another one they had me write.
ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is done. DONE. I am getting it ready for its 9/4/12 release. It is going to be playing in Florida in September. You can read more about that HERE. It will be released by AMAZON as well as REVELATION RECORDS. I am also gonna be pounding the pavement for press notices, as well as an overseas distributor, as well as a television sale of some sort. I am planning to spend a year promoting this thing that ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER has a life long after the DVD is released this September.
I have finished the my "director's edit" of SHADOW. I literally just turned it into NASSER ENTERTAINMENT. Hopefully they like it. This is clearly the best movie I have directed from a "professional" standpoint. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with it now. I am currently talking to NASSER ENTERTAINMENT about directing another micro budget movie.
I am about to start my assistant editing work on the INSTED documentary. INDECISION RECORDS will be releasing this documentary with all of INSTED's recordings once it is done.
I am also writing my next Young Adult novel titled WARREN. The best part is that I have a publisher who is interested in having me write a YA book for them! This is a dream come true as, when you get right down to it, I am a writer. I have been doing it since I was in the 2nd Grade and thankfully I've never stopped.
It also looks like I will be resuming work on INSECT again. I am really excited about it. This is going to be a long, arduous process. It won't help that it will be animated, edited, scored and completed in a piecemeal fashion... but it will get done.
So far this summer has had its share of ups and downs. As somebody who believes in G-d I figure there's a reason for everything. I am not saying you have to believe in G-d to realize that, I am just saying that that is what works for me.
I trust everything will work out regarding my dad and everything else. It always does.
Evan Jacobs
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Anhedenia Films 6/2012
Hello everybody!
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In The Writer's Corner...
I have am now working on another screenplay for NGN Productions. It is a contained action/thriller of sorts and I am almost done with the first draft.
The boxing script I mentioned in the last post is still being written but, as is usually the case, certain projects have a way of pre-empting others. I am writing it long hand (which is actually the way I prefer to do all of my first drafts) and I should have a first draft sometime this summer.
I am currently knee deep in the editing of SHADOW. This is the first time I have ever edited anything shot on a Canon 5D camera. Add to this that I've never cut a movie with this much coverage (and that was shot this well), and I will admit that at times I have felt a little overwhelmed. On the plus side, I have edited projects with a lot of footage and I have built up the mental/emotional stamina to work on a project that is a few clicks above the stuff I do on my own. I have posted in image of a prop that was during the shooting of the movie:
I am currently in the clearance/final re-edit phase of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. I had to rework the movie a little recently but ultimately this will make for a film that really focuses on all the bands and the scene as a whole. This is why I made ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER in the first place, so once again the point is proven: everything happens for a reason.
I am also going to be working as an assistant editor on a documentary for the band INSTED. Dave Mandel and Indecision Records are going to release a vinyl version of all their stuff and they are going to include the documentary on a separate DVD. I plan to start this once I finish either the first edit of SHADOW or the final edit of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER.
I have also started turning my screenplay WARREN into a young adult novel. Here is the logline for WARREN:
Two best friends in high school are pitted against each other when one of them is possessed by an ancient Native American curse.
I am writing this book long hand right now. When it is done I will type it up, send it out to agents and publishers, and then self-publish it if I need to.
Lastly, I still plan to make 2-3 shlock films. I already have detailed outlines for two of them. I plan to write them this summer and then try and make one really quick before the end of this year. The second one will be made in the early part of 2013.
See you in July!
Evan Jacobs
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In The Writer's Corner...
I have am now working on another screenplay for NGN Productions. It is a contained action/thriller of sorts and I am almost done with the first draft.
The boxing script I mentioned in the last post is still being written but, as is usually the case, certain projects have a way of pre-empting others. I am writing it long hand (which is actually the way I prefer to do all of my first drafts) and I should have a first draft sometime this summer.
I am currently knee deep in the editing of SHADOW. This is the first time I have ever edited anything shot on a Canon 5D camera. Add to this that I've never cut a movie with this much coverage (and that was shot this well), and I will admit that at times I have felt a little overwhelmed. On the plus side, I have edited projects with a lot of footage and I have built up the mental/emotional stamina to work on a project that is a few clicks above the stuff I do on my own. I have posted in image of a prop that was during the shooting of the movie:
I am currently in the clearance/final re-edit phase of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. I had to rework the movie a little recently but ultimately this will make for a film that really focuses on all the bands and the scene as a whole. This is why I made ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER in the first place, so once again the point is proven: everything happens for a reason.
I am also going to be working as an assistant editor on a documentary for the band INSTED. Dave Mandel and Indecision Records are going to release a vinyl version of all their stuff and they are going to include the documentary on a separate DVD. I plan to start this once I finish either the first edit of SHADOW or the final edit of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER.
I have also started turning my screenplay WARREN into a young adult novel. Here is the logline for WARREN:
Two best friends in high school are pitted against each other when one of them is possessed by an ancient Native American curse.
I am writing this book long hand right now. When it is done I will type it up, send it out to agents and publishers, and then self-publish it if I need to.
Lastly, I still plan to make 2-3 shlock films. I already have detailed outlines for two of them. I plan to write them this summer and then try and make one really quick before the end of this year. The second one will be made in the early part of 2013.
See you in July!
Evan Jacobs
Monday, April 30, 2012
Anhedenia Films News 5/2012
Thank you all visiting Anhedenia Films! Can you believe the year is almost half over?
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In Anhedenia Films Writing News…
I just turned in the fourth draft of my script RIDE ALONG to NGN PRODUCTIONS. I am about to start another one that I am going to see if they want. If they don't, I will take out myself but they have been great to me so I like to give them first crack at anything I do. This new script is going to be a boxing movie but it will have a unique twist. At least, I hope it's unique.
I am currently logging footage for the movie I directed called SHADOW. Once that is done, my plan is to do some sound work, add some music, then a soundtrack and see what the "powers that be" think.
ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is done. At least this current version is. I plan to clear everything over the next 3 months. I will do a quick re-edit at the beginning of August and this project will officially be done and released.
It feels great to get OCHS done because I can now go back to working on my next animated movie, INSECT. Check that out here. As I said in my last post, the INSECT page is going to be updated a lot. Sadly, I just haven't had the time to work on it to do said updating. Hopefully, I will have some more images to share next month!
Lastly, my plan for making 2-3 schlock, exploitation films a year is slowly taking shape. I have my ideas for what the first three films will be (to be made in 2013), and I almost have the script for one of them completed. The other two should come together in short order. I have even lined up financing for them… it is micro-budget financing but financing nonetheless.
So far… 2012 is going great!
Evan Jacobs
Thank you all visiting Anhedenia Films! Can you believe the year is almost half over?
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.
In Anhedenia Films Writing News…
I just turned in the fourth draft of my script RIDE ALONG to NGN PRODUCTIONS. I am about to start another one that I am going to see if they want. If they don't, I will take out myself but they have been great to me so I like to give them first crack at anything I do. This new script is going to be a boxing movie but it will have a unique twist. At least, I hope it's unique.
I am currently logging footage for the movie I directed called SHADOW. Once that is done, my plan is to do some sound work, add some music, then a soundtrack and see what the "powers that be" think.
ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is done. At least this current version is. I plan to clear everything over the next 3 months. I will do a quick re-edit at the beginning of August and this project will officially be done and released.
It feels great to get OCHS done because I can now go back to working on my next animated movie, INSECT. Check that out here. As I said in my last post, the INSECT page is going to be updated a lot. Sadly, I just haven't had the time to work on it to do said updating. Hopefully, I will have some more images to share next month!
Lastly, my plan for making 2-3 schlock, exploitation films a year is slowly taking shape. I have my ideas for what the first three films will be (to be made in 2013), and I almost have the script for one of them completed. The other two should come together in short order. I have even lined up financing for them… it is micro-budget financing but financing nonetheless.
So far… 2012 is going great!
Evan Jacobs
Monday, April 2, 2012
Anhedenia Films News 4/2012
I am very sorry this is late.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library!
In Anhedenia Films Writing News…
I am currently working on 2 scripts for my friends at NGN Productions. Both are presently in the rewrite phase and they are going well. I am really trying to push myself more when I write. I am trying to bolster the scripts with better scenes, better dialogue and overall trying to make things more unique. Not sure how well that is going but I am trying.
I am almost done with my research and I am about to start writing another boxing movie. This one has a somewhat unique premise so we will have to see how it goes.
I might be doing some sound editing on SHADOW, the film that I directed. Patrice, the gentlemen that shot the film, has delivered a cut and now we need to cut in the extra voices. Looking forward to seeing how this thing came out.
As I write this I am knee deep in the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER edit. I should have it done in less than 72 hours! It also looks like I am going to be doing a first pass edit for a documentary on the band INSTED, and then after that I am going to begin work on a documentary for REVELATION RECORDS.
Somehow, amidst all this I am also going to make my next animated movie, INSECT. You can read more about here. I also plan to update the INSECT page regularly so keep checking back as it will be changing.
I have come up with a long range plan for making more movies. This could always change but once all of the documentaries and INSECT are done, I plan to make a slew of quick, schlock films with titles like IT CAME FROM THE TOILET, FALLING APART, CYBER CAT, etc.
See you next time!
Evan Jacobs
INSECT - Synopsis
After the death of Reggies (14) and Dons (17) mother, the boys find themselves without parents. As their Aunt and Uncle get their home ready for them to move into, Reggie and Don are allowed to stay alone for a week in their mothers house. Shortly after their moms funeral, Reggie starts to hear strange noises. He also begins to see things such as dead insects, dead rats and even dead people in his home. On top of this, his cat Tallman has mysteriously gone missing and Reggie keeps finding a strange, crust-like substance all over the house.
Reggie tries to talk to Don about this but he is too busy with his girlfriend and his own life. With his brother only months away from turning 18, Reggie is terrified that Don is going to leave him alone with their Aunt and Uncle. He continues to experience strange events which eventually boil over when Reggies best friend Angus spends the night. After disappearing when he goes to check out a noise emanating from Reggies and Dons mothers bedroom (a room the brothers made a pact not to enter), they soon discover that what has taken him is scarier than they could have ever imagined. Reggie and Don must now band together if they are going to save Angus and themselves from the deadly Insect in their mothers bedroom.
As I am presently drawing this movie please keep checking back as I am planning to update this page on a monthly basis.
You can check out an unedited scene from INSECT here. (In the final film there will be a lot more coverage happening during this character exchange.)
For more information please email Evan Jacobs at:
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Anhedenia Films News 3/2012
I have been late with many of my monthly posts so I decided to do this one slightly early.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library!
In Anhedenia Films Writing News…
I am presently writing another screenplay for NGN Productions. It is going well. I should have my first draft turned in within the next two weeks.
I am in the process of researching another boxing movie. Once I do a rewrite on a script called RIDE ALONG, I am planning to get to work on this. I have a fairly solid outline of the script and the research I am doing is only making that outline better.
Well, after 5, 12 hour days, I completed directing work on a micro-budget movie for NGN Productions. It is titled SHADOW. It is a thriller about a man who receives a phone call that changes his night and his life. It was an incredible experience. All of my films before this were no-budget ventures. However they prepared me for being able to make SHADOW. I had to answer a lot of questions, approve a lot of set details, defend my choices in the script but what truly won out was the collaborative spirit on the set. Everybody worked extremely hard and I cannot thank them enough. I think this film is going to be something special.
Here is a picture from the production:

(I am consulting with the DP Patrice Cochet)
I am back to work on the final edit of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. At the end of March I should have this thing fairly wrapped up. I wish I was a little further along but that's how things go sometimes.
After that is done, I am going to resume work on my next animated film titled INSECT. This movie is a cross between PHANTASM and THE GATE. It deals with loss of a parent, growing up, and a huge creature-like insect that the main character (a 14 year old boy named Reggie) must confront. I will have a separate post telling more about this project next month!
The work continues!
Evan Jacobs
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to
Also, you can order all of my available films via by clicking here.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library!
In Anhedenia Films Writing News…
I am presently writing another screenplay for NGN Productions. It is going well. I should have my first draft turned in within the next two weeks.
I am in the process of researching another boxing movie. Once I do a rewrite on a script called RIDE ALONG, I am planning to get to work on this. I have a fairly solid outline of the script and the research I am doing is only making that outline better.
Well, after 5, 12 hour days, I completed directing work on a micro-budget movie for NGN Productions. It is titled SHADOW. It is a thriller about a man who receives a phone call that changes his night and his life. It was an incredible experience. All of my films before this were no-budget ventures. However they prepared me for being able to make SHADOW. I had to answer a lot of questions, approve a lot of set details, defend my choices in the script but what truly won out was the collaborative spirit on the set. Everybody worked extremely hard and I cannot thank them enough. I think this film is going to be something special.
Here is a picture from the production:

(I am consulting with the DP Patrice Cochet)
I am back to work on the final edit of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. At the end of March I should have this thing fairly wrapped up. I wish I was a little further along but that's how things go sometimes.
After that is done, I am going to resume work on my next animated film titled INSECT. This movie is a cross between PHANTASM and THE GATE. It deals with loss of a parent, growing up, and a huge creature-like insect that the main character (a 14 year old boy named Reggie) must confront. I will have a separate post telling more about this project next month!
The work continues!
Evan Jacobs
Anhedenia Films Unlimited Distribution
Anhedenia Films Unlimited offers worldwide physical media and digital distribution. We’ve been around since 1995 with our first film WALKING BETWEEN THE RAINDROPS and have had our micro-budget films distributed physically and digitally all over the world.
Our rollout for most the films we release is as follows:
- Worldwide Digital release through our VOD platform Anhedenia Films On Demand on Vimeo
- Potential DVD release via SRS Cinema depending on subject matter/genre (For example if you’ve made a dramatic film it will probably just be available to stream and download. If you’ve made a horror movie it will probably be available on DVD as well.)
- Promotions on various social media platforms
Anhedenia Films Unlimited doesn’t offer contracts, nor do we ask you to make your film exclusive to us.
You can terminate your agreement at any time and so can we.
Anhedenia Films Unlimited just wants to work with passionate filmmakers and help promote films that we enjoy. We assume that you are promoting the films on your end as well.
You will set the price of your film digitally and on DVD. Anhedenia Films Unlimited’s distribution fee will be postal costs (we send things out media mail) plus $.50 for every unit sold. The rest of the money goes back to the filmmaker.
We can create the artwork for your title but ideally (as that is not our strong suit) that is something the filmmaker provides. Also, it is helpful if you can provide a trailer.
Please email if you have any questions, seek additional info, or would like to submit your work for distribution. Thank you.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The New Anhedenia Films!
My name is Evan Jacobs. I have been doing a website called Anhedenia Films since 2004 (I have been doing Anhedenia Films since 1995). Recently my hosting company decided to raise their prices and in an effort to simplify things I decided to stop doing my site and turn it into a blog.
This new version will be a monthly post about all the goings on at Anhedenia Films. It will all be in this centralized place and it will all be easy to follow (I hope).
Right now Anhedenia Films (me) is the busiest we've ever been.
I am working on some commercial editing projects, I have a bevy of screenplays going, I just directed a microbudget feature called SHADOW in 5 days, and I am finishing up a documentary titled ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. Among other things...
I would write more but this change from website to blog is recent and I am too swamped at present. Starting in March this blog will be updated as often as is necessary (most likely not more than once or twice a month).
So... I am going to leave you with the final Anhedenia Films post... Thank you for caring about Anhedenia Films.
Evan Jacobs
I am very sorry this is late. I am up to my ears in projects and that is a good thing.
Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.
Click here to check out the Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to Just click that link and you will be even closer to cinematic happiness.
Also, you can order my animated film 1985-1986 by clicking here.
If you want to watch my newest film Audience you can do so by clicking here.
Click here to order the first film in the Anhedenia Films canon, WALKING BETWEEN THE RAINDROPS. Click here to get Brimstone Productions version which is titled WALKING BETWEEN THE RAINDROPS: REVISITED.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library!
In the Writer's Corner…
I have turned in my first draft of RIDE ALONG to NGN Productions and I've been given notes on it. Basically, I need to make the characters and the needs of the characters stronger. I look forward to doing this as the script is basically where it needs to be plotwise.
I am about to direct a microbudget feature for NGN Productions called SHADOW. I have made 10 no budget movies. Even though this film is going to be made very inexpensively, it is by far the biggest movie I have ever directed. I am working with producers, casting directors, wardrobe people, set designers, etc. I am very excited about this and I am looking forward to seeing what I bring to the whole thing. I wrote the script, I am working with the actors… this should be very interesting. And we're shooting it in 5 days over 2 weekends.
In addition to this, I also have another movie with NGN going into production in the middle of this month. That is a movie that they hired me to write. It is a Christmas themed movie.
Due to me wanting to get ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER done, I am putting INSECT on hold until May.
Speaking of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER… The hack edit is almost done. The plan now is to watch it a bunch of times and then re-edit it. That should be done in April. At that point, I am going to spend May-July clearing all the music, video and pictures in the film. Then in August, I am going to do a final tweak re-edit (if need be) and then it looks like MVD is going to release the movie on DVD, VOD, streaming, and anything else.
In addition to this I am getting swamped with possible job offers to edit or even write scripts. Some seem legitimate… others might not be… whatever the case this is the busiest I have ever been. This situation isn't ideal but is it ever?
Evan Jacobs
My name is Evan Jacobs. I have been doing a website called Anhedenia Films since 2004 (I have been doing Anhedenia Films since 1995). Recently my hosting company decided to raise their prices and in an effort to simplify things I decided to stop doing my site and turn it into a blog.
This new version will be a monthly post about all the goings on at Anhedenia Films. It will all be in this centralized place and it will all be easy to follow (I hope).
Right now Anhedenia Films (me) is the busiest we've ever been.
I am working on some commercial editing projects, I have a bevy of screenplays going, I just directed a microbudget feature called SHADOW in 5 days, and I am finishing up a documentary titled ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. Among other things...
I would write more but this change from website to blog is recent and I am too swamped at present. Starting in March this blog will be updated as often as is necessary (most likely not more than once or twice a month).
So... I am going to leave you with the final Anhedenia Films post... Thank you for caring about Anhedenia Films.
Evan Jacobs
Anhedenia Films News February 2012
Click here to check out the Facebook page.
You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to Just click that link and you will be even closer to cinematic happiness.
Also, you can order my animated film 1985-1986 by clicking here.
If you want to watch my newest film Audience you can do so by clicking here.
Click here to order the first film in the Anhedenia Films canon, WALKING BETWEEN THE RAINDROPS. Click here to get Brimstone Productions version which is titled WALKING BETWEEN THE RAINDROPS: REVISITED.
Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library!
In the Writer's Corner…
I have turned in my first draft of RIDE ALONG to NGN Productions and I've been given notes on it. Basically, I need to make the characters and the needs of the characters stronger. I look forward to doing this as the script is basically where it needs to be plotwise.
I am about to direct a microbudget feature for NGN Productions called SHADOW. I have made 10 no budget movies. Even though this film is going to be made very inexpensively, it is by far the biggest movie I have ever directed. I am working with producers, casting directors, wardrobe people, set designers, etc. I am very excited about this and I am looking forward to seeing what I bring to the whole thing. I wrote the script, I am working with the actors… this should be very interesting. And we're shooting it in 5 days over 2 weekends.
In addition to this, I also have another movie with NGN going into production in the middle of this month. That is a movie that they hired me to write. It is a Christmas themed movie.
Due to me wanting to get ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER done, I am putting INSECT on hold until May.
Speaking of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER… The hack edit is almost done. The plan now is to watch it a bunch of times and then re-edit it. That should be done in April. At that point, I am going to spend May-July clearing all the music, video and pictures in the film. Then in August, I am going to do a final tweak re-edit (if need be) and then it looks like MVD is going to release the movie on DVD, VOD, streaming, and anything else.
In addition to this I am getting swamped with possible job offers to edit or even write scripts. Some seem legitimate… others might not be… whatever the case this is the busiest I have ever been. This situation isn't ideal but is it ever?
Evan Jacobs
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