Thursday, February 23, 2012

The New Anhedenia Films!


My name is Evan Jacobs. I have been doing a website called Anhedenia Films since 2004 (I have been doing Anhedenia Films since 1995). Recently my hosting company decided to raise their prices and in an effort to simplify things I decided to stop doing my site and turn it into a blog.

This new version will be a monthly post about all the goings on at Anhedenia Films. It will all be in this centralized place and it will all be easy to follow (I hope).

Right now Anhedenia Films (me) is the busiest we've ever been. 

I am working on some commercial editing projects, I have a bevy of screenplays going, I just directed a microbudget feature called SHADOW in 5 days, and I am finishing up a documentary titled ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. Among other things...

I would write more but this change from website to blog is recent and I am too swamped at present. Starting in March this blog will be updated as often as is necessary (most likely not more than once or twice a month).

So... I am going to leave you with the final Anhedenia Films post... Thank you for caring about Anhedenia Films.

Evan Jacobs

Anhedenia Films News February 2012

I am very sorry this is late. I am up to my ears in projects and that is a good thing.

Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.

Click here to check out the Facebook page.

You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to Just click that link and you will be even closer to cinematic happiness. 

Also, you can order my animated film 1985-1986 by clicking here.  

If you want to watch my newest film Audience you can do so by clicking here.

Click here to order the first film in the Anhedenia Films canon, WALKING BETWEEN THE RAINDROPS. Click here to get Brimstone Productions version which is titled WALKING BETWEEN THE RAINDROPS: REVISITED.

Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library!

In the Writer's Corner…

I have turned in my first draft of RIDE ALONG to NGN Productions and I've been given notes on it. Basically, I need to make the characters and the needs of the characters stronger. I look forward to doing this as the script is basically where it needs to be plotwise.

I am about to direct a microbudget feature for NGN Productions called SHADOW. I have made 10 no budget movies. Even though this film is going to be made very inexpensively, it is by far the biggest movie I have ever directed. I am working with producers, casting directors, wardrobe people, set designers, etc. I am very excited about this and I am looking forward to seeing what I bring to the whole thing. I wrote the script, I am working with the actors… this should be very interesting. And we're shooting it in 5 days over 2 weekends.

In addition to this, I also have another movie with NGN going into production in the middle of this month. That is a movie that they hired me to write. It is a Christmas themed movie.


Due to me wanting to get ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER done, I am putting INSECT on hold until May.

Speaking of ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER… The hack edit is almost done. The plan now is to watch it a bunch of times and then re-edit it. That should be done in April. At that point, I am going to spend May-July clearing all the music, video and pictures in the film. Then in August, I am going to do a final tweak re-edit (if need be) and then it looks like MVD is going to release the movie on DVD, VOD, streaming, and anything else.

In addition to this I am getting swamped with possible job offers to edit or even write scripts. Some seem legitimate… others might not be… whatever the case this is the busiest I have ever been. This situation isn't ideal but is it ever?


Evan Jacobs

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