Monday, December 30, 2013

Anhedenia Films 1/2014

Happy New Year!!

What an interesting time it has been. I'd like to thank you all for continuing to support and visit Anhedenia Films. I have a feeling 2014 is going to be awesome.

There are new ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENSTER shirts available. If you want to order one just send me an email and it will happen.

My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here.

Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here.

Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.

You can purchase the DVD/Blu-ray of KNOCKOUT. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. For the best price I would go to

Also, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.

Finally, if you want to order a copy of my first young adult novel, MY SUMMER OF HATE, you can do so by clicking this link. If you live in Orange County, CA you can also check it out of the library.

In The Writer's Corner…

Still talking with Nasser Entertainment about a new project. They have some really cool things going on over there and I am honored that they would want me to be a part of them.

The writing for Saddleback Press is going very well. They are always great to work with and I just cannot say enough about how much I enjoy being on their team. They are going great and important things and it means a lot to be associated with that.

My next young adult fiction book ATTACK OF THE DRONES will be out through Ronni's Books in February of 2014. In addition to that, I have started a new YA book titled, THE MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME. It too will be released by Ronni's Books in early 2014.

FALLING APART is done and being pitched around now. The logline is… Michael Gans is in a race against time after he's infected by a mysterious illness that causes him to lose all of his body parts. I am now outlining my next screenplay titled BODIE. My goal is to write 6 new screenplays this year with BODIE being the first.

The animating of INSECT is done. I am going to start editing it at the end of this month. I cannot believe that it is completed. The above picture is a shot of the main character Reggie (voiced by Nik Hill) as he faces off for the first time against the Insect. I tried to make the Insect a cross between a suit of armor and the PREDATOR. Those yellow things on its body are actually openings that allow Reggie to see inside of it. This is kind of a weird movie but hopefully not so weird that the audience is vaporized.

It looks like DV and DV2 will be coming out on DVD before they are released on VOD. I should know more about Cinema Epoch's plans this month.

I am planning to make a bunch of quick, micro-budget movies this year as well in an effort to bulk up the Anhedenia Films library. The first one will be about the Kennedy Assassination. I will report more on that next month.


Evan Jacobs

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