Saturday, March 21, 2020

Anhedenia Films 3/2020


So sorry this is late...
You can sign up for ANHEDENIA FILMS UNLIMITED and watch all the films in the Anhedenia Films library (29 and counting!), as many times as you want, for $2 a month! You can also stream/download all of my available films on Vimeo individually by clicking here. Lastly, you can order ALL of my available films via by clicking here.

My documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER is available! You can order it here on DVD. You can stream it here. Enjoy a look at the early 90s Orange County Hardcore Punk scene!

Here is a trailer for my documentary ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER. This film is a unique look at the Orange County, CA punk/hardcore music scene from 1990-1997. You can watch the trailer here

Click here to check out the ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER Facebook page.

You can purchase the film KNOCKOUT here. This is the boxing film that I co-wrote and it stars "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Or, you can stream KNOCKOUT here on TUBI TV.

Finally, if you like young adult fiction (or know somebody who does), you can check out all of my young adult fiction books here. They are written for people with various levels of reading ability.

In the Writer’s Corner…

Turned in another book for the Vintage Rose Mysteries. I’ve got 2 more of them to write (hopefully more), and I'm looking forward to more projects with Saddleback Educational Publishing in the future! Again, I am truly honored to be afforded all the opportunities they gave me!

Turned in the rewrite of I’VE GOT A CRUSH ON YOU to this agent I am working with. As I wait for them to read it I am starting a contained/thriller set on the night of a boxing match. It is called HAYMAKER. Incidentally, I shot a micro-budget version of this movie that I hope to edit as I write the script. I've never done anything like that before. My hope is to sell the screenplay to a bigger production house, and then release the movie I shot through ANHEDENIA FILMS UNLIMITED!

New content is uploaded to ANHEDENIA FILMS TV every week! This is the ANHEDENIA FILMS YOUTUBE page that  works in conjunction with ANHEDENIA FILMS UNLIMITED. Basically, ANHEDENIA FILMS TV will feature short form content to create interest in that platform. Also, check out our new series ORANGE COUNTY HARDCORE SCENESTER: AFTERMATH. This is a series of interviews with people from the hardcore/punk scene! Check one out HERE!

You can order the first book in my new series THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE here. It covers 6 years in the life of a boy named Erol. It follows him from the mid-1980s all the way to the early 1990s. Each year will be comprised of 12 books. You can read "The Scam", the first book in the THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE series HERE. You can also watch an animated version of it HERE. I am currently working on the 11th book in the first year of the series. I am hoping to make the whole series available in late 2020.

DEATH TOILET NUMBER 2 DVD's are HERE! Order from the SRS Cinema Store! Stream it HERE! 

You can stream DON’T GET OUT here. Grab the DVD here!

COOL SUMMER rough it is done! My plan is to finish editing the RIDING THE RAIL on my iPad then circle back and put the final edit on COOL SUMMER. Also, a portion of the new film in the DV series was shot by my friend Mike Vogelsang aka Popeye (star of DV4) in Greece!

See you next month and sign up for Anhedenia Films Unlimited now! For only $2 a month and you can watch every Anhedenia Films title as many times as you like! 

Lastly, this Coronavirus Pandemic has changed all of our lives. We're currently living in a way we never thought imaginable. We are being instructed to stay inside and limit social contact to flatten the curve on this beast. I truly believe everything will work out, but so much has changed so quickly. So many experts are flummoxed by this virus. Lets all be positive, make good use of the "down time," and do our best to stay safe and healthy.


Evan Jacobs

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